Since we are out here learning about homesteading, we might as well discuss how you can profit off your homesteading, wait for it...TAX FREE. The of Maryland, lets you profit up to $25,000.00 TAX FREE. Sounds like a side-gig dream!
Here are some fun facts to get you and the family excited to maybe join a Farmer's Market line-up in the summer-time. If you don't see something you'd like to sell, don't be too discouraged. Some items require you to use a commercial kitchen, that doesn't mean you have to have one at your house. You can actually rent commercial kitchens out by the hour in some places.
What are Cottage Food Goods?
These will vary by state, check each for actual requirements
Examples of items you can sell:
Fresh Fruits / Veggies
Jellies / Jams / Preserves
Fruit Butters
Breads, Biscuits, Muffins
Cakes / Cupcakes
Spice Blends
Chocolate Confections
Raw unflavored honey

Where to start? Easy!
Choose the product type you'd like to sell. Check you states laws to confirm your recipe meets the standards of a "cottage food."
Get to making some labels and brand your items!
You must pre-package your foods.
Buy yourself a 10x10 tent and set-up shop at a local market!
Link to Maryland Cottage Law's: STATE OF MARYLAND